BOTOX® Cosmetic (Neuromodulator)

Are you seeing forehead furrows or angry lines between your eyebrows? The upper face expression lines are some of the very first signs of aging to become visible. These wrinkles make us appear tired or angry, even when we are happy. This is a sign of aging that everyone experiences—men included—and it has a tried-and-true solution that we offer here in our Bryn Mawr office: Botox® Cosmetic is used to soften the wrinkles and fine lines in the forehead, brow, and eye area, effectively achieving a smoother and more youthful appearance that lasts up to 4 months.

What is Botox Cosmetic?

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) is an FDA-approved injectable for treating wrinkles in the upper face, among other areas. Botox contains a highly purified protein that is injected below the skin to relax the muscles that contract to cause certain kinds of wrinkles, usually in the upper face. The active ingredient in Botox stops some nerve signals to the muscle where it is injected, reducing the muscle’s activity.

Botox can treat certain medical conditions, such as excessive sweating, but it is most commonly used for cosmetic purposes, primarily to reduce wrinkles on the face and neck. Botox injections are performed with a very fine, sharp needle and are relatively painless, as the needle used is significantly smaller than those used for injectable dermal fillers like Juvéderm® and Restylane®.

While most similar products are referred to by the brand name “Botox,” these injectables may also be called toxin, neurotoxin, or neuromodulator.

Julie Holesh, PA

Physician assistant Julie Holesh is board-certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. With both an artistic eye and medical expertise, she can help you achieve optimal skin quality with injectables, laser treatments, and other med spa services.

Julie Holesh, PA-C

Botox is used to treat the following areas

Botox is a highly versatile injectable, and new uses (like the Botox lip flip) are continuously being developed over time. Still, neurotoxin is primarily used to great effect in these areas:

  • Crow’s feet: The canthal lines, which form around the edges of your eyes when you smile, can be softened with Botox injections in this area.
  • Frown lines: The “11s,” or lines that form between the eyebrows when you frown, are a key area where Botox is highly effective at relaxing the muscle to soften fine lines and wrinkles. This area is also called the glabella.
  • Forehead furrows: The horizontal lines in the forehead can be treated with carefully customized Botox injections across the top of the forehead.
  • Skin bands on the neck: The vertical platysmal bands on the neck are a telltale sign of aging, and they can be softened by the treating the neck muscles with Botox.

You may have heard of “baby Botox” or “preventative Botox,” as there is a growing trend to use small amounts of Botox early (i.e. in your 20s) to prevent these lines from forming in the first place. Preventative Botox is typically used in the upper face injection areas, and can be highly effective at slowing the onset of signs of aging.

“I recently received BOTOX® injections for my forehead wrinkles and am thrilled with the results! Dr. Claytor and his staff are immensely kind and professional and made me feel extremely comfortable from the moment I set foot in the office. If you’re considering any cosmetic procedure, look no further than Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery, as this is a top-tier practice.

—Realself review

Botox in the forehead and frown lines

In this video, Dr. Claytor demonstrates how Botox corrects excessive glabellar animation, or movement in the glabella area between the eyebrows (frown lines), and forehead furrows. This patient received 30 units of BOTOX® and these results are shown 1 week after treatment at our Bryn Mawr office.

Side effects of Botox injections

With a skilled medical injector, side effects of Botox are rare, and are usually mild and temporary. The most common side effects are headaches and temporary redness or bruising of the skin at the site of injection.

To reduce the chance of bruising after your Botox appointment, we will instruct you to avoid blood thinners (such as aspirin) and alcohol. Avoid touching or massaging the injection area, except with very light touch. You will also need to take it easy after your treatment—no heavy lifting or exercising—but you can return to your normal routine the next day.

Choosing an injector for your Botox is not a decision to be taken lightly: imprecise injection amounts or areas can lead to drooping brow, eyelid ptosis, or other unwanted side effects. In the hands of an experienced, highly qualified injector—such as a board certified plastic surgeon or a physician assistant injector—Botox is incredibly safe.

Dr. Claytor painlessly administers Botox
Video transcript

I’m Dr. Claytor and we’re here with a wonderful patient who has a wonderfully youthful disposition, but a very tough job. And as a result, the lines and wrinkles are coming. So what we’re going to work on today are depowering the muscles around the forehead area, which are the corrugator muscles and the procerus muscles…this is the glabella region. So we’re going to do a little bit of Botox into this area…What I like to do is just lay the needle right on the skin and then ask the patient to give me a mean face. They drive their skin down onto the needle, so it’s virtually painless.

Am I a candidate for Botox in Philadelphia?

The best candidates for BOTOX® Cosmetic are men and women seeking an enhanced appearance with fewer wrinkles. In addition, it is important that those seeking treatment are in good physical health, are not pregnant or nursing and do not have a neuromuscular disorder. People seeking BOTOX® Cosmetic injections should have realistic expectations regarding this procedure’s abilities and should discuss their desired goals with our PA Julie or Dr. Claytor during their personal consultation at our office on the Main Line of Philadelphia.

“Happy 40 Yr Old Patient! I have seen Dr. Claytor numerous times for BOTOX® and am always extremely happy with my results. His staff is always friendly, professional, and inviting, and he is always on time. At every appointment, he takes the time to go over my concerns to make sure we are on the same page, even though he has seen me before. Dr, Claytor explains exactly what he is doing and I never feel rushed. He is more than happy to thoroughly answer any questions I might have. He is very kind and has a wonderful bedside manner. I would highly recommend Dr. Claytor and his staff for all of your cosmetic and reconstructive needs/concerns.”

—Real patient review, via RealSelf

How much does Botox cost in Philadelphia?

The cost for Botox injections in Philadelphia depends on your personal desires and need, and the amount of Botox needed to achieve your desired look will affect the total cost associated with the procedure. Botox costs are calculated in “units.” Each area of the face on each individual patients calls for a different number of units of Botox; for example, patients usually need anywhere from 10-30 units for the frown lines, or 11s.

While “Botox” is the most well-known neurotoxin, several other brand names offer Botox-type injectables containing the same active ingredient:

The popularity of BOTOX® Cosmetic in Philadelphia has continued to grow over the years; the treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and provides excellent results with little-to-no downtime.

Still, it is common for patients to have a concern about Botox’s safety, as botulinum toxin is a powerful neurotoxin. And while many patients experience no side effects and are thrilled with their smoother, wrinkle-free skin, it’s wose to understand the potential risks and side effects of this popular treatment.

Rest assured that when Botox cosmetic procedures are performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon; an experienced physician assistant; or another skilled, certified provider, the risk of complications is minimal. In fact, Botox has been used for cosmetic applications since the late 1990s, and the injectable botulinum toxin has been fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in treating forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines (11s) between the eyebrows for many years now.

For patients considering Botox in Philadelphia, it’s crucial that you choose a provider with experience in administering injections, as well as a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, to increase your chances that the procedure is performed safely and accurately, targeting specific muscles in the face and avoiding complications or “migration” of the product to other areas. When you meet in a consultation with a potential provider, expect a discussion about your goals, your medical history, and any concerns you may have about the treatment.

It helps to understand how Botox works: Botox temporarily blocks the nerve signals that cause certain facial muscles to contract (these are the movements that result in wrinkles and fine lines). The injections are typically administered in the forehead, around the eyes, and/or between the eyebrows, but they can also be used in other areas of the face for customized results (you may have heard of the “Botox lip flip,” for example). Treatment sessions usually last about 20-30 minutes, and patients can return to their daily activities immediately afterward with little to no downtime.

While Botox has a long track record of safety, potential side effects include mild discomfort, bruising, or swelling at the injection site, but these issues are usually temporary and resolve within several days. It is rare to experience more serious complications, which could include problems related to the injection itself or the spread of the toxin to other muscles. In some cases, the neurotoxin may cause temporary muscle weakness or drooping in nearby areas, i.e. eyelid ptosis or sagging.

For those curious about Botox in Philadelphia but unsure if it’s the right fit for them, scheduling a consultation with a knowledgeable provider is the first step in making an informed decision. During your consultation, either Dr. Claytor or our Phyisician Assistant Julie Holesh will discuss your goals, help you understand the treatment process, and make sure that you’re a good candidate for the procedure. If you decide to move forward with Botox injections, we will create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and desires.

If you’re looking to get Botox in Philadelphia, it’s essential to choose a reputable provider to ensure the best results. There are numerous injectables providers in the area, so it can be tough to decide who to trust with your procedure.

Firstly, do your research and ask friends and family for their recommendations if they’ve had Botox, laser hair removal, or other cosmetic treatments. Hearing personal recommendations and anecdotes about their experiences with various providers can be incredibly helpful.

You should also browse injectors’ websites to learn about their credentials and the treatments they offer. It’s also a good idea to read patient reviews to get a sense of what to expect. Check to see that they have proper qualifications and experience—a medical provider like a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, PA, or nurse should perform Botox injections. Many providers’ websites list their qualifications and areas of expertise; be wary of unqualified providers or those who haven’t received proper training in Botox administration.

Next, schedule a consultation with the prospective provider. An in-person meeting gives you the opportunity to ask clinical questions, discuss your specific needs and cosmetic goals, and evaluate their communication style. A good provider will listen to your concerns, provide guidance on your treatment options, and help you understand the procedure, potential results, and possible side effects.

At the consultation, don’t be afraid to ask about the cost. Botox pricing can vary depending on location and provider, and some may charge per unit of Botox or per injection area. Make sure you understand the pricing structure and if any additional fees, like a consultation fee, may be added to your final cost. Don’t forget to inquire about any specials or discounts they might offer on other procedures or treatments like Daxxify, Dysport, or laser treatments.

When discussing the procedure, be specific about which areas you want to treat. Botox can be used to target forehead lines, frown lines, Crow’s feet, and more “off-label” areas like the upper lip and bunny lines along the bridge of the nose. A skilled provider will customize your Botox treatment plan to address these areas effectively. They may also suggest combining Botox with other treatments, like laser skin resurfacing or dermal fillers, to maximize your results.

Before the procedure, your provider will likely review your medical history and ensure that Botox is appropriate for you. Be honest about any past injections with Dysport, dermal fillers, or other injectables to avoid complications or unwanted results. A reputable provider will also discuss potential side effects, such as bruising or swelling, and advise you on how to minimize these risks.

Since Botox is a non-surgical procedure, the treatment itself typically takes under 30 minutes. You’re likely to see results within 3-5 days, with the full effects developing over 1-2 weeks. Botox results can last anywhere from 3-4 months, so you’ll need to schedule follow-up appointments to maintain your desired appearance. Your provider will advise on how often you should return for maintenance injections.

Living in Philadelphia, you have many options when it comes to Botox and other cosmetic treatments. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find a qualified provider who can address your concerns and help you achieve your desired look. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, do your research, and be patient—the right Botox provider should make sure you have a positive experience.

If you’re considering Botox Cosmetic in Philadelphia, it’s important to understand the Botox treatment process and the results you can expect. This non-surgical cosmetic procedure involves injecting the botulinum toxin type A into the facial muscles to temporarily relax them. Botox is highly effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, including crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines.

During your initial consultation, your practitioner will discuss your concerns and desired results, as well as assess the areas of your face that can benefit from the treatment. They will also go over the recommended dosage and cost of Botox injections and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Once you have decided to move forward with the Botox treatment, a series of precise injections will be administered directly into the muscles of the targeted area. The number of units used and the specific muscles targeted will depend on your individual needs and goals. Typically, Botox injections require minimal downtime, and you’ll be able to return to your daily activities shortly after the procedure. (Just be sure to follow your practitioner’s guidelines regarding post-treatment care to ensure the best possible outcome!)

Keep in mind that Botox doesn’t work right away; it takes a few days for the muscles to gradually relax and the full effects to become visible.

One of the benefits of the Botox Philadelphia treatment is that the results are temporary, lasting between three to six months on average. This allows you to decide if you want to continue with the procedure or try other cosmetic options, such as facial fillers, chemical peels, or laser treatments. As the Botox effects wear off, the lines and wrinkles will begin to reappear. However, many patients find that the treated areas appear less severe after multiple botox treatments, as the facial muscles become accustomed to being relaxed.

In addition to its cosmetic uses, Botox has also been proven effective in treating various medical conditions, such as chronic migraines, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms. Although these applications are outside the scope of cosmetic Botox injections, it’s worth noting the diversity and versatility of this highly popular injectable treatment.

When it comes to the cost of Botox, pricing varies depending on the treatment area, the number of units required, and the expertise of the practitioner. Typically, the more experienced and reputable the practitioner, the higher the cost of the treatment. However, it’s essential to prioritize patient safety and treatment efficacy over cost-saving measures, so always choose a well-regarded and experienced professional. It’s also crucial to disclose any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you may be taking during your consultation, as these can potentially impact the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

Botox cosmetic injections offer a minimally invasive way to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, providing you with a more refreshed and youthful look. By understanding the botox treatment process and what to expect from the results, you can make an informed decision about whether this popular cosmetic procedure is right for you. To get started, schedule a consultation with one of our medical injectors, and discuss your concerns and goals for a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Botulinum Toxin Type A: The scientific name for Botox, which is a purified form of botulinum toxin.

Neuromodulator: A substance that modifies nerve impulses. Botox is a type of neuromodulator.

Glabellar Lines: Vertical lines between the eyebrows, often referred to as “frown lines.”

Crow’s Feet: Lines that appear around the outer corners of the eyes during smiling or squinting.

Hyperhidrosis: Excessive sweating that can be treated with Botox injections.

Blepharospasm: Uncontrollable twitching or blinking of the eyelids that can be alleviated with Botox.

Reconstitution: The process of diluting the Botox powder with saline to prepare it for injection.

OnabotulinumtoxinA: The non-proprietary name for Botox.

Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, Daxxify: Other brands of botulinum toxin type A.

Unit: Measurement used to quantify Botox. Different areas require different units for effective treatment.

Injection Sites: Specific areas where Botox is injected to achieve the desired effect.

Ptosis: Drooping of the eyelid or another part of the face, sometimes a side effect of Botox.

Tolerance: The diminished response to a certain Botox formula after repeated use.

Contraindications: Conditions or factors that serve as reasons to withhold a certain medical treatment due to the harm it may cause the patient.

Prophylaxis: Action taken to prevent disease. Botox is sometimes used as prophylaxis for chronic migraines.

Retreatment: Subsequent Botox treatments after the initial one, often necessary as the effects wear off over time.

Off-label Use: Using Botox for treatments not officially approved by regulatory agencies, i.e. the Botox lip flip.

Dermal Fillers: A category of cosmetic injectables that add volume to the face, often confused with Botox but function differently.

Preventative Botox: Using Botox injections to prevent the formation of wrinkles and lines before they develop.

Refer a Friend, Earn Rewards

Earn credits each time you refer a friend to Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery: $250 toward surgery, or $25 toward med spa procedures!* It’s the easiest way to save on your next treatment or procedure with us.

*Savings for surgical procedures are applied after the procedure has been performed.

Schedule your Botox consultation today

Whether you are seeking injectables like Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, and Xeomin, or complex surgical procedures, our team is here to help! Please call our Bryn Mawr office at 610.527.4833 or contact us online to schedule a personal consultation with Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Brannon Claytor or Physician Assistant and aesthetic expert Julie Holesh. We look forward to helping you reach your goals!

We frequently serve patients from Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr, and the Main Line area (including Villanova, Ardmore, Radnor and Lower Merion).

References »

Hamman MS, Goldman MP. Minimizing bruising following fillers and other cosmetic injectables. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2013 Aug;6(8):16-8. 

Flynn TC. Botulinum toxin: examining duration of effect in facial aesthetic applications. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. 2010;11(3):183-99. doi: 10.2165/11530110-000000000-00000. 

Fabi SG, Cohen JL, Green LJ, Dhawan S, Kontis TC, Baumann L, Gross TM, Gallagher CJ, Brown J, Rubio RG. DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines: Efficacy Results From SAKURA 3, a Large, Open-Label, Phase 3 Safety Study. Dermatologic Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;47(1):48-54. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002531. 

Green JB, Mariwalla K, Coleman K, Ablon G, Weinkle SH, Gallagher CJ, Vitarella D, Rubio RG. A Large, Open-Label, Phase 3 Safety Study of DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection in Glabellar Lines: A Focus on Safety From the SAKURA 3 Study. Dermatologic Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;47(1):42-46. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002463.

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Portrait of Dr. Claytor smiling

Medically reviewed by Dr. R. Brannon Claytor — Updated on Feb 20, 2024