Tag: non-surgical procedures

Morpheus8 RF microneedling vs. traditional microneedling: What’s the difference?

Aesthetic medicine constantly evolves, and new treatment and product innovation is essential. That’s why the expert aesthetics team at our Philadelphia plastic surgery practice is committed to advancing patient care and outcomes with the latest techniques and technologies.  One such breakthrough we’re excited to share with our patients is Morpheus8 RF microneedling. Dr. R. Brannon […]

LaMiNa: Dr. Claytor’s Innovative Combo for Youthful, Rejuvenated Skin

Dr. R. Brannon Claytor, Chief of Plastic Surgery for Main Line Health, is a nationally-recognized double board-certified plastic surgeon who performs a unique facial cosmetic procedure called a “LaMiNa” (Laser + Microneedling + Nanofat), also known as a Biologics + CO2 Laser Skin Tightening (BLT) treatment, to significantly enhance facial rejuvenation outcomes for his Bryn […]

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