More Men Are Undergoing Plastic Surgery: Here Are The Procedures They’re Choosing and Why

Man Considers More Plastic Surgery Procedures from Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery in Bryn Mawr

For guys who are thinking about cosmetic treatments or plastic surgery, your concerns are likely different than those women have. Today’s blog is devoted to the procedures that men often seek in our Main Line plastic surgery office and men’s unique concerns that lead them to benefit from these procedures. We expect you’ll find that, no matter what your cosmetic issue, we have a reliable, long-lasting solution that will allow you to fix it and forget it.

Hair: Preserve your locks with modern hair restoration.

At least half of men experience thinning hair, hair loss, or balding. Our modern hair restoration injections work by stimulating the hair follicles and, used on a regular basis, they can improve both hair thickness and quality. This simple, in-office procedure requires no downtime after treatment, so it’s a no-brainer for men: start treating your hair loss before it progresses further.

Skin: If your face shows your age, you’ve got options.

Your complexion and skin texture is the least of your concerns—until you reach a certain age, and start noticing your skin’s changing texture, lines, dark spots, or uneven tone. If these concerns are aging your appearance, there are a number of skin treatments that can smooth and “lift” your skin.

Refresh your skin’s complexion with advanced technology

For a quick fix to your aging skin, topical energy treatments can smooth out a number of concerns. Laser and light treatments are growing in popularity among men, who realize the night-and-day benefits that these nearly painless procedures can yield:

  • If your skin appears sun-damaged or you have age spots you want removed, intense pulse light (IPL) treatment can give you a natural, even skin tone.
  • For a more potent treatment that can help with fine lines and sun damage, as well as improve skin’s texture and smooth areas of scarring (i.e. acne scars), we recommend fractional laser resurfacing.

After treatment, we encourage you to maintain your results with a healthy skincare regimen that involves a cleanser, moisturizer, and—most importantly—SPF! We’ve got non-greasy SPF products that will make it a pleasure to protect your skin.

There’s a reason they call it “Brotox”

If you’re ready for a more substantial treatment for wrinkles, Botox is the ultimate hands-off anti-aging treatment for men: we give you a natural-looking, smooth face, and all it requires of you is to show up at your appointment. We take a studied approach with Botox for men, using a light hand to ensure you retain a masculine look and are still able to convey all facial expressions.

Shave years off your look with a lift

When you look in the mirror, do you see a gaunt, aged version of yourself? Loose, sagging skin in your face or neck is part of aging, as the skin’s structure and elasticity break down over time. For a 180-degree transformation, a facelift for men is the gold standard procedure. Facelifts can shave ten or more years off your look. And with Dr. Claytor, you’ll be in the hands of an expert facelift surgeon who can customize the procedure to your needs, such as a mini-facelift for a shorter recovery or a neck lift alone to redefine your natural jawline.

For a more subtle rejuvenation of fallen cheeks and jowls (loose skin along the jawline), the Silhouette InstaLift is a non-surgical treatment that tightens and lifts by improving the collagen structure in your skin. With InstaLift, subtle results appear immediately, but your full results develop gradually so that nobody will be able to tell you underwent a procedure.

Eyes: Look alive!

Looking tired or angry is a disadvantage in both your interpersonal relationships and at work. If your significant other thinks you seem angry or bored, or colleagues at work see you looking tired compared to younger peers, you have both surgical and non-surgical options to improve your eye appearance. The right provider will select a treatment to help you look younger, more alert, and—importantly—more like yourself, without creating a feminized appearance.

Frown lines

Those vertical lines between our eyebrows are the tools we use to express dissatisfaction—and over time, the lines get etched into our skin. Botox injections relax the frown muscle just enough to release the wrinkles while still allowing you to move your face and show how you feel.

Droopy upper eyelids and under-eye bags

Loose eyelid skin not only gets in the way, but it also ages your look, making you appear tired, distracted, and less energized than you really are. Blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures because it elevates your entire look by revealing more of your eyes.

Fallen brows

To correct a wrinkled brow and forehead and improve the appearance of the “11s” between the brows, you may benefit from a brow lift (also called a forehead lift). For milder cases, artfully injected Botox may also help by releasing the muscles pulling your brows down.

Body: Detail the Dad bod, from the double chin to the “spare tire.”

“Moobs,” or man boobs, can put a damper on a beach day, as can stubborn areas of fat. Here are the top body shaping procedures preferred by men to increase confidence and leave you free to enjoy yourself in the skin you’re in.

Tighten up fullness of the chest

Exercise alone usually can’t fully eliminate gynecomastia. Depending on the cause of your excess breast tissue, the male breast reduction procedure restores a flat, smooth chest using either liposuction to permanently remove the excess fat cells, or surgery to remove the enlarged glands. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Claytor to learn which procedure will best flatten your chest, and start looking forward to a carefree, shirtless summer.

Get a handle on those stubborn spots

Love handles, or those pockets of fat that sit just above the waistband of your jeans in the back and sides, are a surprisingly common concern among men. Even those who hit the gym regularly may find that these stubborn fat deposits remain. Liposuction eliminates the fat for good, leaving you with a more masculine figure and greater confidence when it comes to donning swim trunks.

Love handles aren’t the only thing we can improve with fat sculpting. Certain areas, such as below the chin, may be treated with SmartLipo®, a liposuction procedure that gives your skin an additional dose of tightening with the help of a laser. SmartLipo can also be used to better reveal men’s natural six-pack of abdominal muscle.

Got a different problem area? These minimally invasive options can be used almost anywhere throughout the body where you have excess, stubborn fat deposits.

Visit Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery for a plastic surgeon with true expertise in treating men’s concerns

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. R. Brannon Claytor has over 15 years of experience helping patients look and feel their most confident. He looks forward to learning about your goals and developing a treatment plan to help you look as vibrant and healthy as you feel. To learn more or set up your appointment, call our Bryn Mawr office at (610) 527-4833 or contact us online today.

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