Filler or Fat

​Often patients will ask for volume replacement in their face to erase sun damage or years of damage from mimetic muscle injury to the soft tissue. Of course the quickest and least amount of down time would be a filler. This is a very good option sand will last many months.
However, ultimately the bodies own response to this filler will be to degrade it and break it down. A more durable and pliable alternative is to use ones own fat. By transferring the fat from the abdomen or thighs where women often have unwanted fat to areas of the face or buttocks a reasonable amount of retention of transferred fat would be in the order of 50%. This transplanted tissue now brings a vitality and luster to the overlying skin that is not possible with filler alone. However, it is a much more involved process. Look for a plastic surgeon who operates in a Quad-A certified surgical facility to maximize safety.shutterstock_336611501

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