This is How You Can Reduce the Risks of a Facelift

Facelift Bryn Mawr, PA Surgeons have been performing facelift procedures for over a century now. Even in light of advances in non-surgical treatment for cosmetic rejuvenation, facelift surgery continues to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Why? Because there comes a time when some people just want their results to last longer. A surgical lift can accomplish this.

On the one side, we can see the benefits of facelift surgery. Most people we consult with love the idea of looking ten years younger! On the other side, there are risks. This can be the point of contention that stops many people in their tracks. Here, we discuss the most common risks associated with facelift surgery and how they can be reduced.

  1. Typically, bleeding is most concerning within the first 24 hours after surgery. This is why some patients choose to spend one night in a post-operative center if possible. Bleeding is not uncommon, but it can lead to pooled blood, called a hematoma. For this reason, medical personnel are available by phone at all times during patients’ initial recovery period.
  2. Anytime the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. That means a person could contract an infection from dermal fillers or other injectables as easily as they could from facelift surgery. Fortunately, infection is a very small risk in this instance because the face typically has a healthy blood supply.
  3. Circulation is also an integral aspect of scarring. The blood supply received by the face acts to heal incisions, usually with minimal scarring that is virtually unnoticeable. Furthermore, incisions are placed in discreet locations, such as around the ears, to reduce visible scarring.
  4. There are numerous nerves in the face, head, and neck. Incisions will likely cause changes in sensation, such as numbness. However, this is usually a temporary side effect that improves over time as severed nerves heal.
  5. Unsatisfactory results. One of the strongest recommendations surgeons make before facelift surgery is to have realistic expectations. A facelift only tightens and smooths the skin. It will not eliminate bags or dark circles around the eyes. It will not change the shape of the chin or the nose. Clear expectations and goals need to be thoroughly discussed before surgery so your surgeon can help you achieve your desired outcome.

What You Can Do

Enhance your surgical experience by

  • Not smoking. If you smoke, stop as soon as you decide to have surgery. Smoking inhibits oxygen uptake in tissue and therefore decreases the body’s ability to heal well. This means an increased risk of scarring, infection, and overall poor results.
  • Be clear, open, and honest during your consultation. Ask all of your questions. Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking, and cover all aspects of your medical history.
  • Take your time. Facelift surgery is not something you price-shop. This intricate procedure must be performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon within an accredited surgical facility.

Contact our Bryn Mawr office today at 610.527.4833. to learn more about facelift surgery, men’s facelifts and other facial rejuvenation options.

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