How Your Daily Habits Affect your Aging Skin

Skin Care Philadelphia | Bryn Mawr PAWe specialize in helping men and women of all ages regain the confidence they once felt. We do this by tailoring surgical and non-surgical treatments to address concerns that range from an excess body and facial fat to the loss of fatty tissue in crucial areas on the face. Additionally, in support of the investment that our patients make their appearance, we also discuss ways in which aging skin can be managed. And, let’s be clear, all skin is aging skin, even if you have not yet begun to struggle with noticeable lines and wrinkles.

Skin care is a vital aspect of aging. It is like brushing and flossing your teeth in between visits to the dentist. The daily routine that you keep will play out over years of time, and you are in control of that process. What has come to light in recent years is that many people simply don’t know how to care for their skin. To help you make the best possible choices, we want to provide a bit of information regarding the skincare products you may be using.

Making the Difference

If you want to postpone the onset of facial aging, or you want to slow a process that has already begun, you need to go beyond viewing face-washing and moisturizing as the basics of skincare. The actual practice of cleansing, toning and moisturizing the skin matters. What matters just as much, though, are the ingredients that are in the products you are using.

Choosing skin care products is quite the challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. A good starting point is to put that moisturizer or serum back on the shelf and schedule a consultation in our Aesthetics studio. Your skin is not like anyone else’s. Understanding the uniqueness of your skin, you may better see why using a product made for “everyone” isn’t working.

For your skin care to make a difference in the way aging progresses on your face (and neck and chest and hands), ingredients need to be potent; they need to be active, and they need to be right for your needs.

Learn more about the medical skin care and customized facials available in our Bryn Mawr office. Contact us online or call 610-527-4833.

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