Category: Cosmetic Surgery

Taking care of you with special care

We look forward to welcoming patients on a limited basis, with new safeguards in place. We hope that you have weathered this pandemic with your health intact. It has been stressful for so many. For us, it has also brought moments of joy and family proximity that we have not enjoyed in many years: two […]

Brachioplasty Can Help You Break Up with Bat Wings

Breakups are hard, but they can also pave the way to a better version of ourselves. When the breakup we’re speaking of involves bidding farewell to a cosmetic problem, there are only blue skies ahead. In our Bryn Mawr office, we help people feel like their best selves by tailoring cosmetic treatments to their needs. […]

Aging Eyes: Two Ways to Revive Them

Aging eyes provide the fuel for frustration. We all know we will age. However, when the signs of aging change the way we look, we don’t have to like it. The changes around the eyes are particularly concerning because they don’t just make us look older, they change the expression of the face. We may […]

Is Blepharoplasty on Your Radar?

The face is an expressive part of the body. It gets attention for the emotion that it demonstrates, even when we aren’t trying. Many people realize that the face is a feature that we “read” to gain information about one another. The information that is gained has a lot to do with the shape of […]

Guys Can have Tummy Tucks, Too!

Modern society has a way of placing a youthful appearance and attractive physique on a proverbial pedestal. The standards of appearance are something that we try to both live by and resist. For those in a competitive field or with a high standard of personal excellence, this can be particularly challenging. When appearance conflicts with […]

Gynecomastia is a Term Men Should Get to Know

The medical community has complicated technical jargon for every ailment and condition that could develop. These terms provide clinical information to healthcare providers but typically mean very little to the patient. Gynecomastia is one of them. You may have never heard this term before. We’d bet, though, that you’ve heard the term “man boobs.” They […]

Mommy Makeover: Your Journey Toward Surgery, Part I

There is no hiding the fact that a mother’s body is bound to change. Sometimes, enormous physical changes happen during the very first pregnancy. Regardless of the timing, changes to a woman’s breasts, tummy, and other areas may feel unpleasant. This doesn’t diminish the joys of motherhood, but it can alter the sense of self […]

Vital Aspects of a Man’s Appearance

Throughout history, there has been a prevalent misconception that most men simply don’t care much about how they look. Interestingly, as men began to express their desire to have more sculpted bodies, sharper jawlines, and smoother pecs, words like “metrosexual” and “manscaping” became common. We believe that any man, like any woman, deserves to enjoy […]

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