Breast Surgery: Getting the Results You Want

There are a number of particulars about the average woman’s life that could lead her to feel dissatisfied with her shape. The breasts, being integral to a sense of femininity for many women, are a common area of concern that we address with personalized care. A longstanding belief about breast surgery has been that volume through the insertion of breast implants is the best way to correct all problems associated with deflation. This isn’t necessarily the case for all women. Here, we want to delve into what happens with the breasts and how breast lift surgery may be the most beneficial approach in some cases.

Breast deflation may occur for so many reasons. For some women, it has to do with breastfeeding and the hormonal changes that happened during pregnancy. Sometimes, breast changes are a matter of weight variances that may arise. And, of course, these factors add to the aging process, which depletes the skin all over the body of the collagen that keeps it firm and resilient. Add these things up and you have the perfect recipe for very specific problems, such as:

Fallen Breasts

There are many memes and cartoons and jokes made about the position of a woman’s breasts. On the technical side of things, we see that breasts sit high up on the chest wall when a woman is younger. Over time, the height of tissue changes. One reason this may happen is the loss of collagen we mentioned. Without adequate support, the weight of breast tissue pulls downward, actually stretching the skin ever-so-slightly.

Deflated Breasts

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are especially important to this problem. During this time, a woman’s breasts can enlarge up to a few cup sizes. This inflation is only temporary, though, caused by weight increase, hormones, and breastmilk. Eventually, most women experience a subsequent deflation, which often coincides with a change in shape. Breasts that are deflated have more volume at the bottom region. They may narrow at the sides and begin to look tubular.

Nipple Problems

Not every woman notices a change in the direction of her nipples, but this is still a relatively common complaint. A downward turn has to do with the volume increase at the bottom of the breast and the skin laxity that occurs without the support of healthy collagen.

Breast Lift to the Rescue!

Breast lift surgery can correct each of these concerns without the need for breast implants, just by repositioning the tissue that acts as an envelop for the fat cells that make up the breasts. Discover what a breast lift or mommy makeover can do for you. Call our Bryn Mawr office at 610-527-4833.

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