Stop Calling Them Bat Wings. Shed Them Instead

We don’t like using unflattering, slang terms when we discuss cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. But we’ve heard them all, and understand where some of those descriptive terms come from. We also know that appearance problems are serious to our patients, and often the procedures to correct them are serious as well. But you can call your “problem areas” whatever you want, and we can help you get rid of them.

Crow’s feet, marionette lines, saddlebags, turkey neck, muffin top?
We’ve all heard these imaginative words for body and facial issues that can negatively affect our appearance and our self-esteem. And we’ve all got one or more of our personal imperfections that bothers us the most. Luckily, today’s modern aesthetic procedures, surgical and non-surgical, can do a lot to improve just about any of our imperfections, no matter what we choose to call them.

arm lift bryn mawr paAre you unhappy with your “bat wings?”
Many of our patients come to us unhappy about the loose skin that can hang down on the underside of the arm, usually due to weight loss or gain or aging – and the resulting loss of skin elasticity. You may have heard that saggy skin condition referred to as bat wings. And you might think it’s easier to hide your arms rather than trying to change them!

When your arms don’t respond to diet or exercise
You may have tried just about everything you can to tighten that saggy arm skin, with little or no results. That’s why a surgical solution may be right for you. Brachioplasty, also called arm lift surgery, is used to tighten the skin and give your arms an attractive contour that no amount of weight lifting or healthy eating can accomplish.

Wave, raise, shake, flex?
Raise your hand if you want more attractive arms! We can help you achieve your goal of shedding your bat wings and revealing shapely, tighter, attractive arms. And that can mean more showing them off every chance you get. So say yes to going sleeveless by scheduling a consultation appointment for your arm lift today. Call 610.527.4833

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