Brachioplasty Can Help You Break Up with Bat Wings

Breakups are hard, but they can also pave the way to a better version of ourselves. When the breakup we’re speaking of involves bidding farewell to a cosmetic problem, there are only blue skies ahead. In our Bryn Mawr office, we help people feel like their best selves by tailoring cosmetic treatments to their needs. One of the common problems that can be addressed with plastic surgery but that we don’t often hear about is excess tissue on the upper arms. You may know this problem as “bat wings.” If you have this problem, you may be interested in arranging a breakup. We can help.

What Is Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty is better known as arm lift surgery. Interestingly, although it is not one of the better-known plastic surgery procedures today, it is one that has increased more than 5000% since the year 2000. The objective of an arm lift is to reduce the circumference of the upper arm to be in harmonious proportion with the lower arm. Weight loss and the aging process can affect this area by stretching and weakening tissue, resulting in a loose and saggy appearance. When the hand waves, the back of the arm does, too. Brachioplasty can correct this.

What Happens During Surgery?

An arm lift is an outpatient procedure that is conducted while the patient is under general anesthesia. During the consultation for surgery, the surgeon discusses the length and location of the incisions. Knowing that scars are a concern, Dr. Claytor places incision on the underside or the backside of the arms, where they are not obvious. To sculpt the arms, liposuction may be performed. This technique removes excess fatty tissue so the arm can be reduced nicely. After fat removal, the muscle is pulled taut and is trimmed as needed to achieve the ideal shape. Internal stitches hold the muscle in its new contour. These dissolve over time. The same thing is done with the skin. After trimming the excess, the surgeon places more stitches to close the external incisions. These may be removed approximately 10 days after the procedure. Bandages and compression garments may be placed over the upper arms.

Arm Lift Recovery

Patients return home to recovery and should be watched-over by a loved one for a day or two. Arm mobility will be limited for at least one week, and prescription pain medication may cause grogginess. By the end of week 2, comfort should be significantly improved. Mobility, however, remains limited for another few weeks. As long as no stretching or lifting is done, patients may return to most normal activities after their 2-week follow-up. Exercise and normal arm mobility may return by week six.

Free yourself to show off your arms this summer. Call our Bryn Mawr office at 610.527.4833 to learn more about arm lift surgery.

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