What Procedure Is Best for You in Terms of Abdominal Rejuvenation?

What option you choose to take is based on your anatomy and your desired outcomes.

Some patients are concerned about keloid scars. These scars are often associated with individuals who are a higher Fitzpatrick number, meaning that patients with more melanin in their skin have darker skin and are more prone to keloids. Some patients mistake hypertrophic scars with keloids. Hypertrophic scars may be from tension across a wound and increased collagen production as a result during the healing process. Scar management during wound healing may aid in final results.

The options for a patient who is 5’7″ and weighs 145 pounds translates into a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 22. This is considered a Normal Weight BMI.
Meaning that stable body weight is achieved and no additional weight loss would be indicated prior to surgery.

If you have had a pregnancy, that would suggest that rectus muscles have been pulled apart and central diastasis of the rectus muscles has resulted in abdominal muscle imbalance. A full or modified tummy tuck will be able to address rectus diastasis during the procedure which allows the surgeon to address rectus fascia from the pubis all the way up to the xiphoid (Central lower portion of the rib cage) during the repair.

Minimal skin stretch or striae of the abdomen from pregnancy means that the skin has relatively good elasticity still present. Once the skin develops striae it cannot be repaired or restored with topical treatments such as lasers or cream. Often the only option is to surgically remove it with a full abdominoplasty or tummy tuck.

If the skin is not injured from striae then, liposuction or mini tummy tuck may be a reasonable option to address lipodystrophy (or unwanted fat in the lower abdomen)

Best options are determined with a full consultation and physical exam with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Brannon Claytor. Call our office today to schedule your abdominoplasty on its own, or as part of a comprehensive mommy makeover.

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