Mommy Makeover: Your Journey Toward Surgery, Part II

Mommy Makeover PAIn our last post, we focused on what a patient can do to begin her mommy makeover journey on the right foot. While patients benefit greatly from specific preparations, what many women want to know is what they can expect during recovery. A mommy makeover typically involves multiple surgical techniques, which means at least two areas of the body will be operated on in the same day. Understandably, this sounds like a lot. Here, we want to discuss recovery in a little more detail so the process doesn’t feel so stressful.

After a Mommy Makeover

  1. The first 24 hours may be a blur. Not only are patients groggy from their anesthesia, but they will also begin taking prescription pain medication within the first hours of their recovery period. Couple the effects of medication with the physical toll of surgery and you have the perfect situation for sleep. Patients can expect to be moderately to extremely tired for at least the first day after surgery, if not a few days. This is normal and needs to be honored.
  2. Back pain is likely. Patients expect soreness and tenderness in their breasts and belly after a mommy makeover, but back pain may come as a surprise. The reason that the low back, in particular, may ache is that posture will be slouched for a week or so due to tightened muscles. Once it becomes possible to stand up straight and lie flat, back pain eases.
  3. Emotions may be all over the place. Knowing that it is quite possible to go from a sense of elation to unprovoked crying in the blink of an eye, a woman can transition through mommy makeover recovery with a little less stress and a lot more compassion for herself. It is not uncommon for any patient who has undergone surgery to experience a range of emotions. Roll with it and you’ll have something to look back on with a smile.
  4. Prepare for a little back-up. By back-up, we mean constipation. Many patients have this reaction to their prescription pain medication. You may mitigate these effects by drinking plenty of clear fluids and eating fresh vegetables. If constipation does occur, talk with our staff about taking a stool softener.
  5. Commit to taking meds. Even with the constipation effect, prescription pain medication is your BFF after a mommy makeover. Do what you have to to ensure no doses get skipped. Set an alarm or have a loved one administer your medication to you as directed. Within a week or two, it will be possible to switch to over-the-counter medication. In the meantime, don’t tiptoe the line of comfort.

Schedule a mommy makeover consultation in our Bryn Mawr office to see what’s possible for you. Call 610.527.4833.

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