Summer Is Just Around the Corner

No Drain Abdominoplasty with liposuction

Excess abdominal skin and adipose tissue cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone. The rectus abdominal muscles that developed diastasis during pregnancy will not return to midline with sit-ups and Ab crunches. Diastasis or separation of the rectus muscles alters the functional strength of the abdomen and can result in an unsightly bulge with forced exertion. No amount of exercise will return these muscles to their original anatomic position.

These elements of abdominal aging are immune to conservative measures.

Abdominoplasty surgery has long been the gold standard for abdominal rejuvenation. Until recently the “tummy tuck” procedure has been performed with relatively traditional steps. These steps were to remove the excess skin and fat and repair the torn and separated muscles. With this technique drains are placed to prevent fluid accumulation.

Now there is a new, drain-free method available.

Certain elements of the old, tried and true procedure still hold; however, newer developments have allowed for simultaneous liposuction of the abdominal flap and the lateral flanks. This enables the surgeon to fine-tune and improve the waistline and create the hourglass figure which so captivates and defines the shape of aesthetic beauty.

Long acting local anesthetic medication delivered at the time of surgery can block the initial nerve receptors thereby limiting post-operative discomfort.

No drain surgery is possible by capitalizing on the body’s own internal plumbing system. The body has built-in lymphatic drainage which draws away fluid from the abdominal wall. By preserving these anatomic structures during surgery and using liposuction to remove the excess fat tissue, the body’s own structural drainage system precludes the need for drains.

When this technique is employed the surgery may be done without the use of drains. Call our office to schedule your abdominoplasty on its own or as part of a full mommy makeover surgery.

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