Reverse Tummy Tuck, Is It Worth It?

For abdominal rejuvenation there are 4 types of abdomen anatomy.
Type 1 is amenable to liposuction alone.
Type 2 is best suited for a mini tummy tuck which takes out loose skin from below the belly button and does not address the upper abdomen.
Type 3 is a limited situation where the belly button is high and can be lowered or “floated”. The elevation of the tissue up to the level of the xiphoid allows for tightening of the abdomen.
Sometimes if the lower abdomen is tight and the upper abdomen is loose, a reverse abdominoplasty or tummy tuck can remove this skin. However it does create a scar across both lower inframammary folds of th/procedures/body/tummy-tuck-abdominoplasty/e breast and a scar across the lower chest which is not possible to “hide”
Type four is the patient who is a full tummy tuck candidate.

Minimally invasive options are Smart Lipo suction which can provide tissue tightening with laser based technology.

It is best to obtain a consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who is a member of ASAPS. Check the Smart Beauty Guide.

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